From the course: Sales Management Foundations

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Creating sales territories

Creating sales territories

- To create sales territories, I recommend two approaches. The buildup method or the breakdown method. It's a little bit like the forecasting methods of top down and bottom up. With the buildup method, you start at the level of the individual rep to understand their workload capacity and how frequently they need to call on customers to succeed. Here are the steps. You start with the sales task. What kinds of customers are we calling on, and how many of them are there in our area? What products or services are we selling? And given that, what does a rep need to do with customers to generate a sale, and how long does that take? Let's go back to our medical device example from before. We're selling diagnostic machines to hospitals, clinics, and doctor's offices. And there are about 1000 of them in our area. Well, given the complexity of selling this equipment, reps need to spend a lot of time during each sales call. Given…
