From the course: Sales Fundamentals

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The customer is not always right

The customer is not always right

From the course: Sales Fundamentals

The customer is not always right

(upbeat music) - [Woman 1] So there's a saying that the customer is always right and for anyone who has actually worked with customers that saying is like nails on a chalkboard because it's not always true. - [Woman 2] That's right, customers are human and just like salespeople, sales leaders and all the rest of the members of the human race, we all make mistakes and sometimes customers are misinformed, they make a wrong call, they have wrong assumptions, it happens to all of us. So as a seller, you don't want to be a yes man or a yes woman because that's not really valuable to your customers. By the same token, you also don't want to be a jerk and come across as really rude. - [Woman 1] Right or really disagreeable and as a salesperson, you do have the opportunity to help inform your customers, to challenge their ways of thinking, to offer insights that might alter their future decisions, which leads us…
