From the course: Sales Fundamentals

Sales is a noble profession

From the course: Sales Fundamentals

Sales is a noble profession

- [Instructor 1] This is an audio course. Thank you for listening. - [Instructor 2] This is an audio course. No need to watch. Just listen. Welcome to the latest edition to LinkedIn learning. Podcasts. We've curated some of the best business podcasts and made them even easier to listen to. Each episode is split into sections. Use the links in the Contents area to skip to whichever section you like. We're always looking for new ways to help you learn and we appreciate your feedback. Thanks for listening. - Sales is a noble profession. In sales you have the opportunity to have a tremendous impact on lots of people. Nothing happens until somebody sells something. Hi, I'm Lisa McLeod. I'm the author of Selling with Noble Purpose. - And I'm Elizabeth Lotardo. Together, we run a consulting firm advising sales leaders all over the world. In coming up, we're going to be walking through sales fundamentals, including how to manage your mindset, have great customer conversations, win deals, and sustain momentum for a profitable and purpose driven sales career. Let's get started.
