From the course: Sales Fundamentals

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Quota anxiety

Quota anxiety

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Sales is one of the most performance-based professions. You're measured at least monthly, sometimes even more than that, and those measurements are sometimes made public for the rest of the sales team. - [Instructor] So, everyone knows exactly how you're doing, and your performance is also tied to your compensation. The better you do, the more money you make. - [Instructor] Which on one hand can be awesome, because you, to an extent, control your own destiny, and you can see an immediate win for getting better at your craft. - [Instructor] But on the other hand, it can be quite anxiety inducing, because your performance and your compensation are always in the to be determined category. And, when you're behind, it's easy to get fatalistic, or at least for me. But there are some things you can do to stay focused and help yourself bounce back. - [Instructor] Remember, panic breeds panic.…
