From the course: Sales Fundamentals

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Pre-call planning: Must-have customer intelligence

Pre-call planning: Must-have customer intelligence

From the course: Sales Fundamentals

Pre-call planning: Must-have customer intelligence

(upbeat music) - [Mentor] When it comes to pre-call planning, salespeople run the gamut, everything from scripting out every single word they want to say to only starting to think about what they're going to say when the words come out of their mouth and they pick up the phone. - [Woman] And both of those extremes a little something to be desired. The ideal place is in the middle. To have a plan going into the call, but also be flexible enough to have a fluid conversation. - [Mentor] And the thing that's going to enable you to do that is to have some information going in. This is your number one priority. Even if it's your first time talking to the person, there are two really valuable places you can look. The first place is their LinkedIn profile, not just who they are in their job role, but what are they sharing? Who do they follow? How do they describe themselves? And the next place is look for some broader…
