From the course: Sales Fundamentals

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Mastering the discovery conversation

Mastering the discovery conversation

From the course: Sales Fundamentals

Mastering the discovery conversation

(upbeat music) - [Interviewer] So what keeps you up at night? - [Guest] Contrary to popular belief, this is not a good discovery question. Please don't ask this question. It's overused. Discovery questions are meant to be an opportunity to not only find out more information about your prospect, but also show that you have a baseline understanding and build value in your solution. It helps you develop a strong relationship and that question does not do it. - [Interviewer] No, so discovery might be one conversation if your product is at a low price point and fairly straightforward, or it might be a lot of conversations over the course of several months for more complex sales. - [Guest] So the aim of discovery is deep understanding on both sides. You do want to know what keeps them up at night, but you don't want to ask it in that manipulative kind of way. So you want to be able to talk about what are the potential…
