From the course: Sales Fundamentals

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Managing your systems and processes

Managing your systems and processes

From the course: Sales Fundamentals

Managing your systems and processes

(upbeat music) - [Woman 2] A recent Salesforce report revealed that sellers say they only spend 34% of their time actually selling and the rest of that time is filled with data entry, quote generation, and other not customer-facing activities. - [Woman] Ugh, on the one hand that can be really frustrating. Only 34% of the time talking to customers, because that's probably why you went into sales. If data entry was your calling, you would've probably gone into that. - [Woman 2] But these systems and processes are a necessary part of any successful sales career. - [Woman] So, let's look at some of the basic tools and talk about how we can make them work for you. So, they can be divided into two big chunks, and the first is your CRM. This is your bread and butter, your customer relationship management system, and it should do exactly what the words imply. Help you manage your relationship with customers. So what you want to…
