From the course: Sales Fundamentals

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Life on commission

Life on commission

(upbeat music) - [Narrator] Nothing is sweeter than a huge commission check (laughing). - [Woman] And nothing is more challenging than not knowing how much money you're going to make from one month to the next. You know, as two people with variable income, we've learned a couple ways to manage this. Now we're not financial experts. But we do have some things that have worked for us. - [Narrator] That we've learned mostly by trial and error. - [Woman] That's for sure. - [Narrator] So first, let's talk about what's hard. Obviously, predicting your income. Especially early on in a sales career, or after like, a new comp plan. You start thinking about how much can I afford to spend on rent, on mortgage, can I afford a new car? Those questions become kind of complex, much more so than the typical online, you know, enter your salary, here's much you can afford calculators. - [Woman] Right, because it's so variable.…
