From the course: Sales Fundamentals

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Identify your place in the journey

Identify your place in the journey

From the course: Sales Fundamentals

Identify your place in the journey

(funky music) - Let's talk about your sales process. A typical sales process usually looks something like this. There's an initial contact, either its inbound it came to you or its outbound, you went out and found it. Then there's the discovery phase. This is where you're exploring. You're trying to figure out if you can add value and if they're a good customer for you. Then there's presenting a solution. This is after you have a strong understanding of where you can add value, you're making some sort of pitch. There might be some negotiation, maybe it has to do with price or other issues. And then, there's the close, my favorite part and from there you move on to implementation. - And for some organizations the sales process is really long and complex and it involves a lot of people. Especially for deals that are high dollar value or complex in terms of implementation. - Yeah the hairier the deal, the longer and more…
