From the course: Sales Fundamentals

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Defining your lane

Defining your lane

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] To be successful in sales you'll need a targeted group of people whose lives and businesses you can improve with your product or service. And if you're excited about your offering, and we definitely hope you are, it can be really easy to go too broad too quickly and assume that everyone under the sun can benefit from your offering. And while that might technically be true targeting the entire world is an impossible task. Even the almighty Amazon has target customers. - [Guest] Yeah, so if you want to be successful, you want to zoom in. And this might come from your organization. Perhaps they've already identified your target market of group of specific people that you all can help. And if you're a solopreneur and you have a wide open territory, or you're starting in a new business, it might be up to you to define the target market. So you want to look at location, spending power, and…
