From the course: Sales Fundamentals

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Customer retention

Customer retention

(upbeat music) - Boom, it's closed over the line, hallelujah. On to the next one. - Hah, no, no, no, no, don't do that. It's still on you to hand this customer off and keep the relationship alive. And there are a few things you want to to make sure you include in any sort of handoff. First, obviously, any technical information you might need. Scope, size, duration, all these details are crucial to the implementation or customer success teams. - The second thing you want to make sure you include and a lot of people miss this are, what were the strategic objectives behind this? What was the customer trying to accomplish? Is it to grow their customer base, tackle a new competitor save time or money? What was the point of this whole thing? You want to make sure that's communicated to all of your implementation people and you have it written down. And you also want to include the key players. There might be people that…
