From the course: Sales Fundamentals

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Building your network

Building your network

(upbeat music) - [Woman 1] The term networking kind of makes me cringe. It is somehow feels like the word itself is kind of inauthentic. - [Woman 2] well, networking has gotten a bad connotation, but I'm going to stand up for it because the reason it's got a bad connotation is because some people do it really badly and that doesn't have to be you. So instead of focusing on how many business cards you can pass out, or how many people you can add on LinkedIn, you want to focus on quality and you want to build your network over time. And there's a couple really authentic ways you can do it. - [Woman 1] Mentorship is a great way to build your network. Having a mentor and being a mentor, both offer huge benefits and counter to popular belief I am team have a mentor outside of your industry. They aren't clouded with a bunch of technical knowledge and they can help you see some big picture themes or issues over the course of…
