From the course: Rhino: Furniture Design

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- Now that we've finalized our design, we need to document it, so that we can convey what we are proposing to our client. In this case I think we need to create some drawings for an individual chair. A way that Rhino makes it easy for you to document is using a feature called layouts. If you find the Drafting tab here at the top, and click on Drafting, you'll see all the tools related to creating layouts. What I'd like you to do is find this button over here, click it here, and it will create four different layouts. The reason that layouts are really nice is that it allows you to change display styles within each viewport, these here are viewports, and as you can see you can double click, and you can start moving and panning, you can add text, there's a lot you can do with layouts. First thing I'm going to do is change the display for each of these viewports. To do so, double click, right click here at the top, and let's make these Technical, do the same here, and I'm just hitting…
