From the course: Revit 2020: Interior Design Project Management Techniques

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Creating a timeline

Creating a timeline

- [Instructor] Okay, we're going to be starting out with our project by doing a few things to set it up, and this is actually going to be the par for this entire course, is everything that we create in this project is going to be something that you're going to actually going to want to put into a template down the line. So a lot of this work is going to be set up, set up, set up, not too much actual modeling that's going to be happening. I just want to put that out there and make sure we understand. Secondly, the next thing that we need to do before we get started is we want to create a timeline for the project. Now, in order to create a timeline in this project, there are few things that we need to do and you have been given a handout that has all of this information on here because I do recognize that this is a lot of information at once, so you're able to pull this handout out at any time and follow along so that you…
