From the course: Revit 2019: Professional Office Interior Design

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Wall partition constraints

Wall partition constraints

- [Instructor] When putting partitions into an existing space, there's usually one of four options that you have when it comes to interior partitions in the office. You may either have a partition that's just a divider and it may not even go up to the bottom of the ceiling, hence putting in a level line that maybe says, top of partitions, and they're used for maybe cubicals and different things like that. Or you may have a wall that just goes up to the bottom of the ceiling, there was an existing ceiling that was in place and this wall's just going to get placed in underneath that to keep from tearing out the ceiling itself. Or you may have a wall that is actually more of a division between two spaces and you also have to take sound and hue considerations, so it'll be a wall that's not necessarily going to the bottom of the ceiling but it actually will be going where the ceiling height is and then adding six inches to that, so that the ceiling is actually lower and each space has…
