From the course: Revit 2019: Professional Office Interior Design

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Space planning

Space planning

- [Instructor] The other part of office equipment that you must address besides just casework that's going maybe into a break area, or even into an office space, is furniture systems. And furniture systems are a little different because they are their own category inside of Revit. And they usually are those pieces that consist of a desk, different configurations for desktops, different configurations for parts underneath a desk, and even partitions between two different pieces. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to Insert, and I'm going to go to Load Family, and I'm going to go back to Furniture Systems themself, so its own chapter. And you'll see the different types of pieces that you could put in there: partitions, standing desks, storage, and work surfaces. And they all have their own individual thing. And there's even the hardware and supports that are inside of this as well, and I just kind of show you what those look like. Maybe it's a hardware bracket or a panel or…
