From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Project Techniques

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Putting things in their place

Putting things in their place

- [Instructor] I'm gonna now add my 3D camera views to a sheet. So I'm gonna come over here to my project browser and I'm gonna scroll down to my sheet that I want for these two particular views. I'm gonna go to the interior elevations. My presentation elevations. I'm gonna go back to that sheet. I'm then gonna scroll back up to my 3D views that I have. Perspective existing kitchen and perspective propose. I'm gonna click and I'm go place those onto the sheet as well. Now you notice that the view is huge for the sheet. So there's a little bit different thing we need to do in order to change the size of this view. So I gotta do a right click and I'm gonna say activate the view. And I can't click on the crop region and change it this way because that actually changes the size of the view. Or, what is actually being seen in the view. So I actually have to come up here to where it says size crop, and I need to actually change its height for the view on side of the sheet itself. And these…
