From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Project Techniques

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Proper lighting techniques: Part 1

Proper lighting techniques: Part 1

- Now your model is ready for one of your final pieces so that you can get it ready for presentation documents, and that is for lighting. Lighting is somewhat of a beast all in its own. Lighting works a few different ways. You can add in ceiling holster lights, wall holster lights, you can do four lamps, and you can even do just walls of light. For our project we're going to put some cam lights into the kitchen, and we're also going to throw in a different type of light that's ceiling mounted off of the tray part. So I'm going to click inside of systems, and you don't necessarily just have to go to systems, you can also reach your lighting through architecture components as well, so you don't have to go into just lighting to make sure you pull that in. I'm going to go over here to electrical and I'm going to click on lighting fixture. From here I've got a couple choices that I could use to put in my lighting fixtures, and if you go in through this way, it's kind of helpful because it…
