From the course: Revit 2019: Interior Design Project Techniques

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Placing kitchen components

Placing kitchen components

- [Instructor] And I'm going to now work on putting in some components into this model that are going to work for one of my schemes. So I just make sure that I go down to the dropdown, and I click on the scheme that I'm going to be working on, and I'm going to now start placing those items into the space. You may, from time to time, need to load in components that you do not see in your component library. So once again, just make you go to the insert ribbon first, click on Load Family, and then you're going to source to those items, remember, besides those that you have pulled down yourself that you want to use, you also have your Imperial Library at your disposal. So you click on the Imperial Library, and I'll just show you where a few of these items are. So of course, Casework is going to have any of your base cabinets, your countertops, your shelving units, your floor to ceiling type cabinets, and then your wall cabinets which are what Revit likes to upper cabinets, so just keep…
