From the course: Requirement-Driven Cloud Selection and Deployment

What you should know

- So in order to get the most out of this course, you need to understand a few things. First, you need to have a basic knowledge of what cloud computing is, and also a fundamental interest in understanding how we're dealing with requirements, planning, and architecture. The skills you need, first, the ability to deal with business requirements, understanding what they are and how to use them. Second, an understanding of cloud technology, just the basics. You also need an understanding of data, how databases work, how data's stored, how it's retrieved. Also understanding what security is, and really fundamental security concepts as related to cloud computing. And also the concept of governance, how it works, how you leverage it. And finally and most importantly, some business skills. It doesn't mean you have to have an MBA to take this course, but a basic understanding of business processes and how things work will help you along.
