From the course: Requirement-Driven Cloud Selection and Deployment

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Security types

Security types

- [Instructor] So, let's finish our discussion about security requirements. Talking about concepts that you also need to know. First is compliance. All of these are regulations, are compliance or standards, or things that we need to adhere to, as we set up security. So, you need to know what's relevant to your particular industry, and what's relevant to your particular enterprise, and what's relevant to your particular data. If you're an international company, you'll have international laws that you need to comply with, and therefore you need to not only comply with the law in one particular country, but make sure you're complying with the law with the other countries as well. Keep in mind we're mapping a business domain to a technology domain. So, we're defining security related processes and policies. That's everything you see there. Audit, change control, governance and risk, human resources, mobile computing…
