From the course: Requirement-Driven Cloud Selection and Deployment

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Policy management

Policy management

- [Instructor] So governance for cloud computing is probably the most overlooked technology that needs to be in the cloud computing stack. So in looking at requirements, you need to figure out how cloud governance fits into your solution. So keep in mind that cloud governance is focused on how we manage policies and these are basically small programs that maybe sit around a resource, such a storage, they can sit around an API, or even a complete application. So the idea is that we're able to put limitations on how we can use those resources. So in other words, we can't allocate thousands of dollars of storage a day, we have to stay within some sort of a budgetary constraint, and the type of storage that we need to allocate may also be restricted, and the time of day when we access an API or a database may also be restricted and this is where you do that. Now, this is different than security because even though it…
