From the course: Requirement-Driven Cloud Selection and Deployment

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Other things to consider

Other things to consider

- [Instructor] So keep in mind we have to have a holistic understanding of what's about to happen. So really, as we're understanding requirements, we're setting the stage for the migration process. By the way, this does not mean we're going to pick technology early, or we're going to select processes or make decisions based on information that we don't yet have. Keep in mind that gathering requirements and understanding requirements allows us to make decisions about architecture technology and other important concepts that we need to determine during the migration process. So, keep in mind that we're onboarding the migration team, we're doing the final readiness checks, we're initiating the change management and governance systems, such as skills, things like that. We're understanding what the applications are doing, we're looking at the migration processes, and we're understanding the importance of testing and making sure…
