From the course: Requirement-Driven Cloud Selection and Deployment

Intro to requirement-driven cloud selection and deployment

From the course: Requirement-Driven Cloud Selection and Deployment

Intro to requirement-driven cloud selection and deployment

- [David] Nothing has been more business changing as the rise of cloud computing. We now have the ability to leverage cloud technology as a force multiplier for business. I'm going to teach this course using very pragmatic approaches based on current best practices and leverage real case studies that you can use in your projects today. This won't be another abstract, high-level concept, but a true solution that will teach the basic concepts of understanding business requirements and translating those requirements into the proper technology selection and the correct process for deployment. Hi, my name's David Linthicum. I wish you a pleasant journey in learning about the world of requirements-driven cloud selection and what it can do for you and your cloud-enabled enterprise.
