From the course: Requirement-Driven Cloud Selection and Deployment

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Compute types

Compute types

- [Instructor] So what can you choose as far as processor types out on the cloud? Well, these are a simple list of processors found on a particular public cloud provider and you can see the CPU platforms, the machine types, the frequency in gigahertz, all-core turbo frequency, and single-core max turbo frequency. If those seem a bit daunting to you, it's really no reason to worry about that and ultimately they just go to this clock speed of a particular processor that you're able to allocate within the cloud, so you should use them as guidelines in terms of the speed that you're able to obtain. Probably more important would be the CPU platforms themselves. You know, such as Intel Xenon Scalable Processor, Intel Xenon E7, E5, V4, V3, V2, and E5 something called Sandy Bridge. And the reasons that it's important that you pick the right processor's because they all have specific things that they may do faster than others.…
