From the course: Requirement-Driven Cloud Selection and Deployment

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Compute requirements to solution

Compute requirements to solution

- [Instructor] So how would we map our compute requirements to a cloud-based solution? So again, we need to create the business case. That includes the value of agility, cost savings. And we do this because we're in essence going through the same evaluation criteria that we did with storage, even though we're picking a different resource. In this case, compute. So that gets to our base requirements, which gets to the platform needed, in other words the operating system we're going to leverage, how it's going to perform, the processor or type of core and how much memory is going to be needed. So we move from that to the evaluation of the compute services. What's there? What can we leverage based on requirements that we just understood? Again, dealing with expense or cost, reliability or SLAs, what they're going to agree to and the ability to deal with performance. In other words, how fast it's going to go, which in…
