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The interview: How to prepare

The interview: How to prepare

- [Instructor] Live conversations or moderated interviews are a popular way to build empathy with your users. The user testing platform helps you to recruit and schedule with the right audience. You get to decide how you spend your time together. Live conversations are perfect for giving you the flexibility you need to build rapport, pick up on subtle cues and hints like body language or hesitation that you might want to follow up on, ar when you need to be able to shift gears and learn about topics or concerns that might be unique to maybe even just one person. There is no rule that says that you must have a long interview guide. You might even just go in with the intention of learning about how people are accomplishing their goals, or what challenges or unmet needs they have. In that case, all you need to do is prepare a few questions that help you to set the tone for the conversation. And, obviously, set that intention.…
