From the course: QGIS and Python for AEC

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Using Qt Designer

Using Qt Designer

- [Instructor] In this video we're going to use Qt Designer to design the interface of a plugin that we've already installed. The DXF plugin, Export layer to DXF or save DXF has nothing in it right now. But we're going to change that by using the Qt Designer. To open up Qt Designer we just simply type qt space in our search, and Qt Designer with QGIS 3.12.3 or three, one two three custom widgets. Let's open that up. This was installed when I installed QCGIS. If this is not already installed make sure you use the advance install when install QCGIS so that this Qt Designer is already installed. From the new form we're actually just going to pick Open. We're going to browse to a pre-existing form. Now, it opens under my user profiles. So the first thing I need to do is type "app data". That's a secret folder on Windows where I can find where my plugins are installed. So under my name, I've got to app data. We'll…
