From the course: Prototyping Microinteractions with Adobe Animate

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Motion tweens

Motion tweens

- [Instructor] The final tween type we'll look at is the motion tween. This tween type differs from the others in that you don't need to explicitly specify a change in properties along the timeline via manual keyframes. It's done automatically as you make such adjustments. As with classic tweens, a motion tween must be used to animate symbol instances and never raw shape data. So what we're going to do is lock down and disable the visibility on our symbol layer and create a new layer and we'll name this one Motion. We can also go ahead and rename Symbol to Classic. All right. Selecting frame one on the Motion layer what we're going to do is go to the Library, since we already have a ball symbol, we can drag out an instance of that symbol and place it on the stage. Using the align panel we'll once again center it both horizontally and vertically to the stage. To create a motion tween all we need to do is to right click on any of these frames within that layer, and choose Create Motion…
