From the course: Principle for UX Design

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Control video playback

Control video playback - Principle Tutorial

From the course: Principle for UX Design

Control video playback

- [Instructor] It is common when you are watching a video to be able to move through the video by moving a little slider which will allow you to scrub through the video so you can move ahead or backwards in a video depending on what you want to see. Others with the volume can give you the opportunity to either mute the sound or to raise the sound or lower the sound so you get to control the audio volume and we're going to do that in this exercise. So to get yourself started, open the Scrub Video file in your chapter download. When it opens, you'll see there's our video and the state of the video right now is paused. So let's turn our attention to scrubbing the video. So we're going to select the driver. Set it to Drag. Open the driver's timeline. Pick the video thumb and we're going to give it a Center X property and we scrub along to the end and we'll just move this along. Okay, let's go back here. Now, what…
