From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Understanding GMAT scoring

Understanding GMAT scoring

- [Instructor] In this video, I'll explain the GMAT's total score, as well as how each section is scored, and I'll also talk a little bit about what a quote unquote good score is. So the total score range for the GMAT is between 200 and 800, and that's verbal and quantitative combined into that total score. Most people, like 2/3 of people, score between 400 and 600 on the test. So, you may have higher aspirations than what most people do, so what's a competitive score? Well, these are ballpark numbers, but for the top 50 business schools, maybe it was 650+. If you're looking at top 20, more like a 700+. And if you're really going for the creme de la creme of business schools, probably you want to score mid 700s, like 740+. Be aware, though, depending on the rest of your application, even the top 10 schools do admit people with scores below 700, and sometimes even below 600. So, obviously, the score is one factor, it's very important, and if you don't have something else extraordinary…
