From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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- [Instructor] So the most popular polygon as far as the GMAT is concerned is the good old triangle. In this video, we'll go over some concepts you'll need to know about these shapes. So the first concept I want to talk about is the third side rule of a triangle. Now let's say you were going from point A to point B. You might have heard this expression, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Hopefully that makes sense. Let's say you go between point A and point B and you travel 10 miles. And I go from point A to point B, but I go through point C up here. Now what if I tried to tell you that my trip was also 10 miles, what would you say? You would probably say I'm crazy right? I took a long route. I went through point C, and that's clearly kind of out of the way. So this is not a valid triangle in terms of its side lengths. Now if I change this to 6 perhaps, okay that could be valid. And the third side rule is, any two sides, like let's say those two, have to add…
