From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Solving incomplete points and equations

Solving incomplete points and equations

From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

Solving incomplete points and equations

- [Narrator] So sometimes, GMAT questions will present you with a point or an equation that is missing a piece. So in this video, we'll go over how to plug the incomplete thing into a complete thing to solve for what you're missing. So let's just say we have a point, but it's not a point, it's missing part of it. So we have the point three comma t. Usually, we have something like three comma five, three comma eight, but three comma t doesn't make a ton of sense. I don't know what t is. But let's just say we also have a complete equation of a line. We say to ourselves, okay, well, if we know that point is on that line, we can plug it in the incomplete point into the complete equation to solve for what we're missing. So we know that x is three, so we'll write this as y is t, equals four times three, plus two. And then we can just solve for our t. When x is three, it looks like our y is 14. So bingo. Now we know that point is three comma 14. Likewise, if we had a complete point, and I'll…
