From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Simultaneous events probability

Simultaneous events probability

From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

Simultaneous events probability

- [Instructor] So sometimes we'll have to find the probability of a series of events all occurring, like the chances of flipping a coin and getting heads three times in a row. So let's look at how to calculate simultaneous probability. So let's say we did have that coin and we're like, hey, well, what are the chances I flip a coin three times and get heads every single time? Well, all we have to do is take the odds of each flip and multiply them all. So flip number one, the odds are 1/2. Flip number two, the odds are 1/2. Flip number three, the odds are 1/2. So we would multiply that and get 1/8. So that's the odds of, let's say, getting heads three times in a row. So that's it. Let's look at another example, this time with jellybeans. So let's say we have a jar of jellybeans and we are blindfolded for some reason. And let's say there's 10 red, let's say there's eight blue, and let's say there's 16 yellow. Okay, well, what are the chances that we pick jellybeans and they're all red…
