From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Reviewing questions

Reviewing questions

- [Instructor] So one of the most important things we need to talk about in this course is how to review your mistakes. Just as football players watch hours upon hours of game video after they play a game, so you should spend even more time reviewing questions than you spend doing questions. So in this video, we'll go over how to squeeze the most learning out of your mistakes. So when you review questions, this is where you actually learn the most and build the most skill. So super important, the first step in reviewing, try to redo the question that you got wrong or that you guessed on. It's very important to redo the question from a blank page so you don't remember the answer or the solution. And if you somehow looked at the answer, wait until you've forgotten it before you try to redo that question from a blank page. And for this reason, you don't want to write in a book if you're using a book because then you'll know what you picked before. So see if you can get it right. That's…
