From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Number properties

Number properties

- [Instructor] In this video we'll talk about some important number properties that are basic, but that will apply to lots of different kinds of GMAT quant questions, just to make sure you have them really clear. So we can add in any order. So for example, four plus three plus seven. We're going to get the same answer if we go from left to right, as if we go from right to left. So four plus three is seven, plus seven is 14. And notice that we would have gotten the same answer if we went in reverse order, 'cause seven plus three is 10, plus four is also 14. And we can go in any order actually here. So it doesn't matter what order you add in. The same thing is true of multiplication. So for example, four times three times seven. That's 12 times seven, which is 84. And notice that we would have gotten the same answer if we went backwards. Seven times three is 21, times four is 84 as well. So it really doesn't matter what order we multiply in or what order we add in. But we can't subtract…
