From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Intros, conclusions, and body paragraphs

Intros, conclusions, and body paragraphs

From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

Intros, conclusions, and body paragraphs

- [Instructor] I often find that it's helpful for test takers to have a basic structure for the components of their essay. In particular, having a basic template for the intro and conclusion and a basic checklist for a body paragraph can make life a little easier. So in this video, we'll talk about the structure of introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions. Keep it simple is the name of the game for intros and conclusions. So for an introduction, we want to just describe the argument briefly and say that due to its flaws, more information is needed to evaluate its strength. For the conclusion, we basically just want to summarize what we've already said about the argument. In terms of a body paragraph structure, I do like to teach that there are four basic components, the topic sentence to make sure the reader understands what we're going to be talking about. Then we usually elaborate on that topic a little more to go into more detail. Then we get really detailed with a specific…
