From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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- [Instructor] So technically about 1/3 of verbal questions on the GMAT are reading comprehension questions. However, your ability to read will affect every type of GMAT question, even for quant questions. So in this video, we'll look at some ways to improve your reading skills and go over the basics of reading comprehension on the GMAT. So reading ability is your foundation for the test. It's going to help you pretty much in every section. You're always going to be reading something. So how do we build this ability? Well, I like to suggest reading things like The Economist or articles from So that's And these sources are great because they're written at a high reading level, they get you used to sort of academic writing and writing at a sort of a higher vocab level as well, and they have all kinds of different topics in them, and that's super important, because background knowledge of a topic really impacts how well you're going to understand a…
