From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Integrated reasoning basics

Integrated reasoning basics

- [Instructor] Welcome to Integrated Reasoning, which is basically the GMAT's idea of a mash-up of verbal and math. In a nutshell these questions present you with lots of information often in the form of charts and graphs, which you'll have to use selectively to answer questions. In this video we will go over the basics of IR. It's 30 minutes long, and there are 12 questions. Some of these questions are multi-part. There is no partial credit, unfortunately, for any of the questions. A lot of it is really reading graphs and charts. You have to analyze information and do basic math like percents or ratios and algebra. Really the challenging part, I think, is determining what to focus on just 'cause there's so much information presented to you. One good piece of news is that you do have an on-screen calculator, so you can do some of the math on that, which is nice. Remember to do well on integrated reasoning questions, you'll need to be good at looking at the right places based on the…
