From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Function questions

Function questions

- [Instructor] Function questions are also critical reasoning questions that sneak their way into the normal reading comprehension passages. So kind of like the bolded phrases type of critical reasoning question, these questions test whether you can define the role of a part of the passage, either a sentence or a paragraph. Since I cover bolded phrases questions fully in the critical reasoning section of this course, in this video I'll just focus on identifying these kinds of questions, and talk about how they differ when they ask about an entire paragraph. So here we have our passage. And one of the most important things is question recognition. So look for key words in the question. Like function, purpose, serves to, in order to, or role. Now these words will usually signify that we're going to be asked about the role of that part of the passage. For example, it might say: what is the function of the passage's final sentence? So what we would do is we would read that final sentence,…
