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Function graphs

Function graphs

- [Instructor] So we'll talk about function graphs kind of as a segway into coordinate geometry. This type of question might give you a graph and ask you for the related y coordinate to a particular x coordinate. So let me just draw a quick graph, and I'm just going to sort of make up a function here, and let's just label this as x is three, label that as x is zero, label this as x is negative two, and let's say x is negative five over here. So, if we just look at that graph, we should be able to actually tell the value of these points. So if I said, hey what is f(3)? That just means that if I input a three for x, what is our y at that point? Well it looks like our y is zero at that point, right? Because when x is three on our graph, y is zero. So remember, this is our x and y coordinate axis. What about when x is zero? What is y? Well it looks like it's zero again. What about when x is negative two? So f(-2)? Well I'm just going to eyeball that and say that's about negative four. So…
