From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Find the flaw

Find the flaw

- [Instructor] Find the flaw questions in critical reasoning are just like you'd think. You have to look for an answer choice that exposes a weakness in the argument. I like to think of it as a point the arguer didn't consider. So these questions are quite similar actually to weakening argument questions. They're just structured a little bit differently. So let's have a look at one. So here we have a trainer and an athlete, and then the question. The athlete's argument is flawed because it fails to consider that. So let's just read this really quickly. The trainer says whole body cryotherapy has shown to be effective in treating athletic injuries by reducing inflammation associated with those injuries. However, due to the increase in the risk of heart failure that extremely cold temperatures are associated with, I do not recommend it. And the athlete says, in contrast to that, many of the activities you do recommend are intense exercises that have been shown to increase people's risk…
