From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Find the assumption

Find the assumption

- [Instructor] So one of the reasons the GMAT created critical reasoning questions in the first place was to see if we can spot questionable assumptions in arguments. In this video we'll talk about a Find the Assumption question and work through it. So here we have a passage, and here is its question. Let's have a look. We're looking for the assumption on which the argument relies. And one way to think about this type of question is without the right answer, the argument kind of fails. It just doesn't make sense. It needs the right answer to be true in order to be logical. So let's just read this. Male pattern baldness is commonly thought to be an inherited trait. Recent experiments, however, have shown that this cannot be true, because there are some men who have male pattern baldness despite having biological fathers lacking that trait. Okay, so, all right, maybe not the most convincing argument in the world. Let's see what the choices say here. I'll just put 'em all on the screen…
