From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Estimation technique

Estimation technique

- [Instructor] So the GMAT sometimes likes to present you with complicated-looking calculations, kind of, to scare you a little bit. So the good news is that you can sometimes use estimation or rounding skills to make these calculations easier. So let's have look at one of these things. So we've got a complicated looking fraction with some decimals in it, but we may realize that these answer choices are, actually, pretty far apart if you look at 'em right, like they're all sort of times 10 times 10 times 10. Remember, with a decimal if you multiply it by 10, you move the decimal place one to the right. So the answer choices are fairly far apart, and we may not need to use a 2.1 up here, we might actually be able to get away with using just plain old two. So what if we did that? Let's have a look. So if we do 0.02 times two, that might be a little easier. And then down here, I don't think we're going to round that much because these numbers, actually, you know what? Let's round 0.008…
