From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Detail questions

Detail questions

- [Instructor] So when I talk about detail questions, I mean questions for which the right answer is supported by a specific part of the passage. So in these types of questions, we'll find ourselves in one of two major situations. We know which part of the passage to read or we have to look for it. In this video, we'll talk about how to deal with both of these situations. So here we have our passage and question clues that it's a detail question are things like maybe line references, quotes, or specific terms in the question. Now if a question is easy to find in terms of where to read, guess what? That means you usually have to do a little bit more work. I like to describe this as if they make it easy for you to know where to go, they're not going to make it you just look at one word and figure out the answer, you're usually going to have to get kind of the gist of that area. Now if something's hard to find, you usually have to look for it and this will mean when you do find it, you…
