From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Data sufficiency basics

Data sufficiency basics

- [Instructor] Okay, so perhaps the least familiar and therefore trickiest type of GMAT question for people at first is data sufficiency. So in this video, we'll break down the kind of thinking that you can do to help yourself solve these kinds of problems. Okay, so we have a data sufficiency question here. Is x odd? And then we've got a couple of statements. Statement one says x is an integer such that it is bigger than one and less than four. And statement two says x is prime. Okay, so here are the rules. We have to pick A if only statement one will let us answer the question. So let's think about that. X is an integer such that it is bigger than one and smaller than four. Okay, well that has two options, two and three. Great, does that let us answer the question? No 'cause one of those is even, but one of them is odd. All right, let's think about choice B. Choice B would mean that only statement two will let us answer the question. Okay, so x is prime. Now at this moment, we may…
