From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Critical reasoning questions

Critical reasoning questions

From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

Critical reasoning questions

- [Instructor] So it's funny, even though about 1/3 of GMAT verbal questions are the critical reasoning type with typical short critical reasoning style passages, even normal reading passages can have critical reasoning questions, like questions that ask you what would strengthen or weaken an argument. I cover these types of questions fully in the critical reasoning chapter of this course, so in this video, we'll just focus on recognizing them when they occur during a reading comprehension passage. So, here, we have our passage. And if we do get a critical reasoning question, there may be some wording in the question, like weaken the conclusion, undermine the explanation, strengthen the assertion, maybe support the contention. So these are kind of like strengthen or weaken an argument questions. So, for example, a question might look like, which of the following would most likely undermine the assertion made by James Jensen? And we would have to look at the assertion that he makes and…
