From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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Critical reasoning basics

Critical reasoning basics

- [Instructor] So like their name suggests, critical reasoning questions on the GMAT will make you think. So these are verbal questions asked after short passages, passages that often contain an argument or conclusion. You're going to be asked to do things like strengthen or weaken that argument or maybe explain a paradox or find the flaw. So in this video, we'll cover the basics of critical reasoning questions. So again, these are short passages with arguments. They're going to be way shorter than a typical reading comprehension passage. Maybe just a few sentences long. A couple things I want you to remember. Look at the question first when you see the passage pop up. Don't get sucked into reading the passage. You want to look at the question so you know what your task is going to be. So there's only going to be one question usually per passage and just keep in mind that these are going to comprise about a third of verbal questions. However, some reading comprehension questions are…
