From the course: PowerPoint: Designing Better Slides

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Your turn #2: Hierarchy and bullet alternatives

Your turn #2: Hierarchy and bullet alternatives

From the course: PowerPoint: Designing Better Slides

Your turn #2: Hierarchy and bullet alternatives

- [Instructor] Welcome back. We have reached that point in the chapter where it is once again your turn to practice what you have learned in the previous movies. Think about what you just learned about hierarchy, dominance, and creating focal points on a slide and apply that to this bulleted agenda slide right here. To follow along, open the exercise file '02-06-agenda-before' and you should see this exact slide with these notes and this notes area. And we've all seen these type agenda slides before. They are just all too common. And right now I can tell you that the focal point on this slide is, well, not the agenda. Your job is to redesign this slide so the slide title is not so dominant and then create focal points amongst the list of agenda items. You can decide which of these items are more important than others and use your newly acquired design skills to add emphasis and structure to this list. And feel…
