From the course: PowerPoint: Designing Better Slides

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The need for space

The need for space

- [Presenter] Welcome back. In this chapter, we are going to be talking about why our designs and slides need space. You've probably heard the advice, keep it simple, and this slide itself can't get any simpler. It's a white background with dark text and three simple words centered on it. It's a simple design, a simple font delivering a simple piece of advice. And I see this advice often on the internet in articles about design and I have always felt a bit unsatisfied by this advice for it begs the question: keep what simple? It also ignores my favorite element to intentionally design with, space. Consider this: Let's go back to that last slide, but this time, we're going to change one thing about that message. Our message itself hasn't change, nor have the colors, the fonts, just the size of the text, or rather the space around the text has changed. There's a lot less of it. And as a result, the text is shouting.…
